digital diplomacy

CPD Research Fellow Zhao Alexandre Huang explores China's narrative strategies.

Bangladeshi Government could leverage social media accounts and engage in domestic digital diplomacy to garner public support for its foreign policies.

In an ever-evolving digital landscape, memes have emerged as powerful tools for public diplomacy, demanding cultural acumen and creativity.

January 11, 2024

Principal Investigator:
Alexander Evans, CPD Research Fellow 2024-26

A robotic hand touching the word AI by ipopba via Canva

CPD Research Fellow Ilan Manor indicates how AIs, without proper regulation, can pose a series of challenges to public diplomacy.

Image of a city in metaverse world by naratrip via

CPD Faculty Fellow Corneliu Bjola shares how avatars in digital diplomacy can have the potential to create a significant impact.

BeReal app in the Apple Store @yanishevska via

Diplomats and global businesses are slow at adopting social media accounts. BeReal, an app touting authenticity, can be the exception.

Map of interconnected countries by CarlosAndreSantos via iStock
December 15, 2022

CPD hosted a panel on the current and future implications of visual communication in diplomatic messaging.
