international relations

The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs hosted the fourth annual diversity workshop for students and young professionals July 20–24.

The ICA 2020 Annual Conference provided an opportunity for a joint panel between ICA's Public Diplomacy Interest Group and ISA's ICOMM division. 

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

Where are women in governments around the world? How much power do they hold? How did they get to their positions of leadership?

As part of its commitment to building the academic field of public diplomacy, CPD will award $2,500 to an emerging scholar engaged in cutting-edge research on public diplomacy.

TONIGHT: Join CPD on February 22 to hear renowned IR theorist Dr. John J. Mearsheimer discuss the failure of U.S. foreign policy.

The Qatar crisis raises two issues in the field of international relations today. The first is to disprove the mainstream Cold War-era view that small states cannot play a significant role in global affairs. The second is that big powers always use hard means to take control of ambitious, small states in order to preserve the status quo.
