science diplomacy

The Singapore-China Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the first non-governmental body set up on Friday to promote the exchange of science and technology between the two countries.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, speaking at Yale on Thursday, called on university leaders to help spread the benefits of scientific innovation to the developing world.

he challenges facing the international community in the 21st century are primarily posed by changes in the natural environment.

Physicists from across Africa gathered this week in Dakar, Senegal, for a conference focused on lasers and optics. But radio astronomy dominated the chatter in the hallways.

Qatar plans to produce biomass-jet fuel for military and civilian aircraft. Qatar has partnered with Airbus to manufacture and supply the sustainable bio-jet fuel.

Egypt and India have agreed to establish a joint fund for activating researches in the fields of oceans' sciences, medicine and bio-technology.

Russian and British education officials agreed on Tuesday to join efforts to create a favorable environment for cooperation between universities and research labs, the Russian education and science minister said.

Dr. Ahmed Zewail, one of the three "science envoys" appointed by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, will visit Turkey.
