North Korean And Chinese Relationships Are Becoming Strained

North Korean And Chinese Relationships Are Becoming Strained

North Korean And Chinese Relationships Are Becoming Strained

After the latest nuclear experiment conducted by North Korea that consisted of detonating a nuclear device underground close to the Chinese border, more and more Chinese people are having second thoughts in regards to the once tight relationship between the two countries.

China is considered to be the biggest supporter of the North Korean state and one of the only friends they have left in world politics. This being said, public opinion seems to be pressuring Chinese officials to move away and move on, cutting ties with the Korean regime.

The recent nuclear tests, coupled with the way new supreme leader Kim Jong-un has behaved in regards to Chinese diplomacy has made officials also question the future of the tightly knight ties between the two countries.

However a complete cut off wouldn't be as easy as most would think. The heavily assisted regime would shortly collapse if imports and donations of oil and food from Chine would stop. This could lead to a reunified Korea that sees the U.S. as an ally, something the Chinese would most likely want to avoid.

With international scandals roaring, U.N. economic sanction can’t really cause much change in North Korea as long as China keeps sending massive quantities of food and energy that keep the Korean people from revolting against their leaders.

Posted by on Sunday February 17 2013, 3:25 AM EDT. Ref: NY Times. Link. All trademarks acknowledged. Filed under World. Comments and Trackbacks closed. Follow responses: RSS 2.0

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