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Rialto could be the first city in the United States to form a sister city relationship within Cuba after President Barack Obama announced a historic thawing of icy diplomatic relations that spans decades between the two countries.

The Inland Empire city with a population of about 100,000 says it started thinking about reaching out to cities in Cuba more than a year ago and is making steps now with a trip scheduled for September.

The timing is perfect, experts say.

“I congratulate Rialto. It’s a bold and audacious move and I’m proud to hear about it,” said Antonio Gonzalez, president of the William C. Velazquez Institute in Los Angeles. The public policy think tank has advocated for repairing U.S.-Cuban relations for nearly 20 years.

“You’re moving into an area that has not been well worn, and that’s what I think the president intended to stimulate — let’s get this relationship going,” Gonzalez said.

Although Rialto Mayor Deborah Robertson insists that the intent of connecting with Cuba is based on creating cultural awareness, not establishing business ties, economic interests or furthering political agendas, the future of that relationship could change.

“I’m really starting with the cultural aspects of it. Rialto is a very diverse community. We have a number of different cultures represented … so why not build on that?” Robertson said. “There’s always possibilities, but right now it’s an opportunity to reach out and go to another country that people are interested in.”

Starting with culture is what experts say is necessary to begin any type of relationship with Cubans.

“You start off with education and culture because the Cubans don’t know you and you don’t know the Cubans. Establish trust and establish a knowledge base,” Gonzalez said.

In Cuba, everything is based on relationships, from basic business arrangements to complex contracts.

“Over here you make a business deal and that’s it. It’s all business,” Gonzalez said. “That’s not Cuba. Cuba is all personal. ‘Do I know you? Do I like you? Do I trust you?’”

If not, I don’t work with you, is the culture, he said.

Rialto would not be the first American sister city to Cuba, according to Sister Cities International in Washington, D.C., which tracks sister cities that become members of its organization. According to its records, Cuba has at least 10 sister cities, including Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond in California.