
Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past.

October 27, 2011

The overwhelming majority of Arabs in the six nations covered in the survey side with those Syrians demonstrating against the government... And when asked whether Bashar Al Assad can continue to govern, the highest affirmative ratings he receives are 15% in Morocco and 14% in Egypt.

Such fanfare went beyond the service of prosecuting a single crime. More likely, the charges being leveled at Iran came in the service of “public diplomacy,” an attempt to establish a broad narrative that serves a policy decision. Pushing the narrative of the Iranian “boogeyman” is not unusual in U.S. policy circles.

October 6, 2011

A longstanding complaint of Israeli about Arab leaders is that they speak with a forked tongue; that they speak one language to their subjects, and another to the outside world. One of the most important tasks of public diplomacy attaches at Israeli missions abroad has been to distribute translations of the Arabic press.

Iranian leaders have tried to portray democracy movements in the Arab world as inspired by their 1979 Islamic revolution.. However, a new poll by the Arab American Institute shows approval of Iran's role in the region plummeting since 2006...

Food diplomacy is growing in popularity. China has been levering its cuisine and chefs as a means of building goodwill in Latin America in what has been dubbed “chopstick diplomacy”, the Asian face of gastrodiplomacy. The most popular foods, like sushi and spaghetti have exploded in popularity...

It is convenient to represent cultures as monolithic entities especially if they are to be seen as a threat to “our” way of life. It is clear from the poetry, music and voices in general that the Arab culture is not such an entity. In this age of musical and political cosmopolitanism, as opposed to alienating exclusivism or anything-goes pluralism, I hope for a celebration of every viable strand in our tapestry.

The exhibit, “Reclaiming Identity: Dismantling Arab Stereotypes,” provides visitors with commentary and information about books, paintings, films and music that showcases the Arab culture as “exotic, uncivilized and threatening.” The website also offers access to video interviews with Arab Americans...
