Digital Diplomacy & New Technology

European Detail Map of Flickr and Twitter Locations, by Eric Fischer

Digital diplomacy might be preaching to the choir...but is that a bad thing?

"Los Angeles is a world-leader in creativity and innovation, and LA 2024 will put California's unparalleled tech and innovation capability at the service of the Olympic Movement.," said LA 2024 Chairman Casey Wasserman. 

Over the last few years we’ve been treated to a number of “Facebook revolutions,” from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street to the squares of Istanbul, Kiev and Hong Kong, all fueled by social media. But once the smoke cleared, most of these revolutions failed to build any sustainable new political order, in part because as so many voices got amplified, consensus-building became impossible. Question: Does it turn out that social media is better at breaking things than at making things?

February 1, 2016
February 1, 2016
Causeway Bay Last Day - Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution

Record and share live videos showcasing your experiences with people the world over.
