international development

The seven-year, CA$36 million Innovating for Maternal and Child Health in Africa(IMCHA) research program today announced the selection of two African organizations that will help put research into practice and bring the program's results to the attention of decision-makers.

As part of the Green Revolution, Peres and Prime Minister Narandra Modi will launch the infrastructure for a wide ranging Food Security and water technology project.  Peres will also undertake a mission of public diplomacy to explain Israel’s case to the Indian media.

The Canadian Friends of the University of Hargeisa School Social Work Committee was formed in 2008 to explore the idea of a Social Work program at the University of Hargeisa, located in the politically stable city of Hargeisa in Somaliland. 

The debate about whether Australia should join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has gone beyond the realm of economic development and investment to hit at the core of Australia's apparent security dilemma.

 A rising call for African-led research has permeated Cape Town this week as HIV researchers and scientists from around the world flooded the city for the first HIV Research for Prevention Conference.

The majority of great countries have embraced foreign aid as an instrument of “soft power” to achieve their political and economic aims.  Saudi Arabia is no exception to this trend. 

This week's headlines highlighted media such as film, photography, and gaming as a powerful tool to reach international audiences.

Films are not only pieces of creative expression, they are also tools of communication and awareness raising, and a way of calling for social change.  The burgeoning African film industry is also a major economic driver.
