A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Gaming the China Model

For all the high-minded invocations of the Olympic spirit, no one should doubt that the Beijing games will be as powerful a marketing campaign for China's authoritarian capitalist model (Foreign Affairs) as any devised by Madison Avenue. This isn't new. From the inception of the modern Olympics, governments have strained every national muscle to turn the supposedly apolitical games into showcases for national, ideological, or even racial superiority.


Win Today’s Wars First

China is rising, while Russia is becoming worryingly assertive. But for the foreseeable future, America’s Department of Defence says, America’s biggest worry will be small messy wars, fought with messy alliances with messy outcomes; more Iraqs, Afghanistans and campaigns against the likes of al-Qaeda.


Government to Develop Stronger Discipline of International Law

The Government will commit a sum out of the Foreign Ministry's RM10mil "reach-out" fund to develop a stronger discipline of international law in Malaysia..."We have also expanded the Public Diplomacy section of the ministry in line with our policy to reach out to the people of Malaysia as well as to those outside."


Culture Official Turned Diplomat

During his time as a culture minister, Mikhail Shvydkoy was a little too extravagant for a state official...And now, three months after Shvydkoy's agency for cinema and culture was disbanded, he has been appointed to a new official position; a position that didn't previously exist - that of the president's special representative in charge of international cultural cooperation.


Saving the Horn:The Urgent Need for Track -2- The People’s Diplomacy

We need to develop a different kind of path. We need to reach out and pull a chair and start communicating not to convince each other how righteous our political stand or sectarian policy is but more so to listen and see if there is even the slightest possibility of point of convergence. Thus the need for a different format and activism becomes urgent and timely- the need for a Track 2 approach in the context of vibrant civil societies is obvious.


Putting On a Smile for the World

According to Simon Anholt, an expert on branding, heritage and identity, perceptions of countries and peoples, positive or negative, accurate or absurdist, are highly resistant to change...Undeterred by such warnings, governments around the world continually try, as ever, to boost their country's international standing and influence. But instead of pursuing these aims through warfare, domination, subversion, Machiavellian statecraft and secret alliances, as in the past, many are reaching for a fashionable new tool: "public diplomacy".


Burns’ Visit to Iran - A First Step

The U.S. plan to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran could be constructive for both sides. For America, it could serve as a window of understanding into the relatively unknown government of Iran. Along with direct contact with Iranian officials, it would encourage public diplomacy with the Iranian people vis-à-vis culture, education, women's rights, and other mutual interests.


China Revokes Visa of US Olympic medallist and activist

Chinese authorities have abruptly revoked the visa of 2006 winter Olympic gold-medallist and Darfur activist Joey Cheek, prompting a protest by the US government and further marring the start of the Beijing games.



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