A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chinese Banks Provide Efficient Financial Services for Olympics

China's major banks say big investments have been made to provide efficient financial services during the Olympic Games. With an extra half million people expected in Beijing during the 2008 Olympics, China's banking industry has worked to give the city's guests easy access to cash.


Beijing Losing Battle Against Olympic Smog

With 10 days to go until the Beijing Olympics opens, the smog simply refuses to lift and the Games organisers are preparing emergency measures to clear the air ahead of the big day.


China Muscles in on Steroid Industry

THE Chinese Government has carried out a nationwide "dragnet" of the producers and distributors of anabolic steroids and peptide hormones to clean up potential suppliers of banned drugs to athletes before the Beijing Games.


China Party Pundit Spies Battle Outside Games Arena

Sima Nan a Chinese television pundit, blogger and Communist Party defender -- sees dark forces within China seeking to ruin the Party. The crew-cut 52-year-old has been waging an Internet war against Chinese commentators and intellectuals he says have hijacked this year's national dramas to undermine Communist Party rule and patriotic values.


Before Guests Arrive, Beijing Hides Some Messes

Beijing is polishing off one of the world’s most expensive makeovers with a whitewash. Along the historic central axis of the city that runs from the Yongdingmen Gate due north to the Drum Tower, the authorities are doing their best to give the old city a new face. This includes hiding some residences and shops behind newly constructed walls or screens.


EU TVs choose European films over Hollywood

European works are dominating the programme schedules of European television channels, with broadcasters preferring EU films and fictions to Hollywood or other extra-EU TV products, according to a report carried out by the Commission.


Why Muslims Still Hate Us

An analysis of Muslim public opinion since 9/11 finds that, on balance, the "foreign policy trumps culture" argument is correct. This finding has important implications for the debate over U.S. Middle East policy and the broader war on terrorism.


Democracy Group Gives Donors Access to McCain

Over the years, Mr. McCain has nurtured a reputation for bucking the Republican establishment and criticizing the influence of special interests in politics. But an examination of his leadership of the International Republican Institute, a democracy-building group he has led for 15 years, reveals an organization in many ways at odds with the political outsider image that has become a touchstone of the McCain campaign for president.



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