A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pentagon Learns To Use Soft Power

U.S. military strategists say they are changing approach to emphasize humanitarian missions on an equal footing with combat operations. The shift reflects experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan and indicates recognition that combating radical ideologies and averting future wars means the Pentagon must use so-called soft power more often.


China Rights ‘Worsen With Games’

The human rights situation in China has deteriorated, not improved, with its hosting of the Olympic Games this year, campaigners Amnesty International say. It documents the use of "re-education through labour", the suppression of rights activists and journalists, and the use of arbitrary imprisonment.


Iran Seeks ‘Common Ground’ With West -Ahmadinejad

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that Iran will seek "common ground" with the United States and five other world powers that have proposed incentives for Tehran to freeze its nuclear enrichment program...Asked if Iran would agree to suspend uranium enrichment in order to gain international acceptance, Ahmadinejad said Iran already enjoys "very good economic and cultural relations with countries around the world."


Winning The World’s Hearts And Minds

The seeds of a new attitude toward global outreach were sown several years ago. But with the winds of change blowing through Washington in anticipation of a new administration next year, thought and action on these fronts are picking up steam.


Tourism Rises Globally, But Not To U.S.

A recent headline in The Guardian of London – "America – more hassle than it's worth?" – underscores a stubborn global view that the United States is not an easy or a desirable place to visit.


Professor Examines China’s Olympic Dreams in New Book

Kalamazoo College professor, Xu Guoqi, an associate professor of history and East Asian affairs, notes in his new book "Olympic Dreams: China and Sports, 1895-2008," that "the Chinese have suffered the syndrome of can-do spirit and inferiority."


Wary China Readies for Some Patriot Games

With the streets awash with pride and excitement the communist authorities are trying hard to keep a lid on rising nationalism and a firm grip on potential 'troublemakers'


Rights Issue Looms as Bush Heads to China

What the president will do or say in Beijing is the subject of considerable debate within the administration, several officials said, but they expressed doubt that Bush would do much to embarrass the Chinese leadership during an event it considers something of a coming-out party for China as a world power. However, Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.) is urging Bush to emulate President Ronald Reagan, who made a major public address about religious freedom and human rights when he visited the Soviet Union in 1988.



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