A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Chinese state broadcaster chooses Red Bee Media to brand Beijing Olympics

China Central Television (CCTV) has hired Red Bee Media as the official creative and production partner for the Beijing Olympics — this means creating all the title sequences, graphics and branding for one of the world’s largest broadcasters.


Games to make the world ‘better understand’ China

The Olympic Games will help Beijing become a world-class city and reduce foreigners' misconceptions about China, Gerhard Heiberg, chairman of the International Olympic Committee Marketing Commission, said here Tuesday.


Educate young to combat violence

A blueprint to steer the world's young people away from extremism and violence emerged from a UN conference in Bahrain yesterday. It calls for violence to be combated through education, employment opportunities and community initiatives. Young people must be given a voice and be involved in civic society, coupled with programmes that build character and give them a sense of belonging, delegates agreed.


New book to be launched at CIGI explores emerging citizen participation in global decision-making

On Thursday, June 19, the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) will launch Critical Mass: The Emergence of Global Civil Society, a new book released by CIGI and Wilfrid Laurier University Press. Public concern about inequitable economic globalization has revealed the demand for citizen participation in global decision-making. Civil society organizations have taken up the challenge, holding governments and corporations accountable for their decisions and actions, and developing collaborative solutions to the dominant problems of our time.


China to ban air-freighting of dangerous goods during Olympics

China will ban the air-freighting of dangerous goods to Olympic host cities during the Games, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said. Airlines will be prohibited from carrying explosives for civil use, guns and ammunition to the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang, Qinhuangdao and Qingdao from July 1 to Sep. 30,the administration said in a statement on its website.


China dismayed at Australia’s smog ‘boycott’

Olympic authorities in China have expressed dismay at a decision by Australia to keep its entire track and field team away from the Games opening ceremony due to concerns about exposure to dirty Beijing air.


Why Iraqis Back McCain

However it turns out for John McCain this fall -- and so far he's running his general election campaign the way Gen. Ricardo Sanchez ran counterinsurgency ops -- the Arizona Republican is sure to carry at least one battleground state by a landslide. That state is called Iraq.


Olympic Pressure on China

In its campaign to win the right to host the Olympics, China pledged to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the games would remain "open in every aspect." Many believe China is failing to abide by that pledge, but the vehemence of anti-China sentiment abroad has spurred a nationalist backlash within China, and the Chinese government strongly condemns what it considers the politicization of the Olympic Games.



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