A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Will China’s economy perform at Games?

With China's economy running, leaping and jumping ahead, it seems logical to assume that hosting the Olympic games in August will provide another commercial stride forward.


Drive to strengthen regional ties

The third edition of the South Asian Film Festival will be held in Panaji, the capital of Goa, from June 27 to 30..."The influence of films on the psyche of the masses is enormous. It could be used for reinforcing the initiatives that are already underway for generating peace and harmony."


Candy bombing for 2008

Sixty years after the U.S. dropped chocolate bars on Berlin, it's time to consider new acts of kindness. Part of a Times series on food diplomacy.


Argentina recasts its revolutionary

No Argentine has left a bigger mark on the world than legendary revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara...When a government tourism official told Argentine travel agents at a conference last November that Guevara's high name recognition among Europeans meant he deserved a place in Argentina's "national brand", he drew boos from his audience.


QF in limelight at US conference

The Qatar Foundation (QF) for the first time attended the annual conference of the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), in Washington DC...More than 6,000 delegates attended the plenary on ‘Examining Public Diplomacy and its Effects’, moderated by Judy Woodruff of PBS’s ‘The News Hour with Jim Lehrer’ and sponsored by QF.


Blogger arrests hit record high

More bloggers than ever face arrest for exposing human rights abuses or criticising governments, says a report. Since 2003, 64 people have been arrested for publishing their views on a blog, says the University of Washington annual report.


More See America’s Loss of Global Respect as Major Problem

More Americans now say that the United States is less respected in the world than it has been in the past, and a growing proportion views this as a major problem for the country. More than seven-in-ten Americans (71%) say that the United States is less respected by other countries these days, up from 65% in August 2006.


In China, Fascination With Obama’s Skin Color

America may be discussing whether Barack Obama is tough enough to field a 3 a.m. phone call, but for the Chinese Communist Party's official newspaper, the real issue is his race...The editorial, while perhaps stark in its analysis, gave voice to a fascination among many Chinese at the sight of a black man running for president in the world's most powerful nation.



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