
The “brand” of a country has a direct impact on the wealth of the nation and its ability to compete and grow in the global economy.

A strong nation brand helps in differentiating a nation’s output and gives it a leg up in competing for financing, top talent and tourism. It can be leveraged by sub-brands within a nation, both public and private, to grow GDP and to help develop resiliency in a nation’s industries during a downturn.

he U.S. Government is committed to expanding trade and investment in sub-Saharan Africa and the numbers show our commitment. U.S. trade to and from Africa has grown significantly in the past ten years.

“Today, we have uploaded a collection of UAE nation brand logos, which were proposed during the last Cabinet session. The UAE nation brand logo will promote the UAE & tell its story to the world. I want all of you to choose the design you think is best. All the relevant entities shall coordinate to use the logo to communicate the qualities of the UAE in areas like economy, culture & tourism.”

Whether the country likes it or not, Namibia already has a brand. Outsiders have a specific idea of the country's character, and at the moment that character is branded by generalisations, narrow perceptions, stereotypes, and clichés. Gordon suggested a number of ideas that Team Namibia can use to improve its global competitiveness.

He also highlighted the positive economic and cultural impact of the UK’s GREAT campaign which supports the marketing and public diplomacy efforts of UK Trade and Investment, Visit Britain, the British Council and the Foreign Office.

Ireland is using St. Patrick’s Day as the basis for a global branding campaign to publicize the country’s cultural and educational assets, Jimmy Deenihan, its minister of arts and heritage, told the Irish Chamber of Atlanta’s annual breakfast celebration March 16.

The tough times have seen Irish business rediscover Germany as an important trade partner. It is a given here to have access to and interest in Irish culture, thus cultural diplomacy can have a great reach. Ireland’s cultural chief...sees a need to give Germans a sense of Ireland’s contemporary cultural landscape, particularly as the debate over the future of Europe draws us closer together.
