faith diplomacy

Faith-based Engagement as a Tool for Public Diplomacy

The State Department has a "rigidly narrow" view of diplomacy that neglects religion's role in foreign affairs, a prominent Catholic ambassador charged on Sunday (April 17) as he announced his resignation.

That the true intentions of a religious organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, would become the most hotly debated issue surrounding the overthrow of Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, would have garnered guffaws among Western intellectuals only four decades ago.

Elements with the State Department are trying to silence an American diplomat who believes that he was personally charged by the White House with promoting President Obama’s interfaith initiatives.

April 15, 2011

A group of high school students in New Jersey is working to make the redemption of captives a Pesach priority. They have created an organization,, as a vehicle for Israel advocacy and have launched the Gilad Shalit-Fifth Son Project as their first major initiative.

Elements with the State Department are attempting to silence an American diplomat who believes he was personally charged by the White House with promoting President Obama's interfaith initiatives. The diplomat is the U.S. ambassador to Malta, Douglas Kmiec...

The U.S. ambassador to Malta has upset the State Department by devoting so much time to writing and speaking about faith-related issues, according to a report from the department’s inspector general released last week.
