non-state pd

Nearly 200,000 students are now choosing to spend a year abroad as part of the European Union's Erasmus programme, one sign of increasing integration across the EU, new figures show.

The state of war between Israel and Syria, begun in 1973, prevents their citizens from meeting in person, but recently they have started to come together online. is a new website that brings together Syrian and Israeli bloggers, journalists and academics to discuss the stalled peace process.

The annual "fete de la musique" celebration marking the "spontaneity and openness to all forms of music" takes place in more than 350 cities across the globe Monday evening, 28 years after it was started in France.

The Israel Security Council, which is run by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA), brought together dozens of experts with a wide range of experience in the fields of security, public policy, and academia, as part of an effort to clear up the morass in Israeli diplomacy and strategy...

While the absence of the Chinese soccer team in the 2010 South Africa World Cup disappoints local fans, made-in- China products are ubiquitous at the quadrennial gala, which also sees its first Chinese sponsor this year.

Hollywood heartthrob George Clooney can add another accolade to his resume: life member of the Council on Foreign Relations... Clooney will tackle US foreign policy issues along with Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright, according to the report.

As I am immersed day to day through my Business for Diplomatic Action role in engaging and guiding corporate executives in public diplomacy efforts, it got me thinking about those incredible Five Tool Diplomats and Executives...And then I wondered, what do they all have in common that has helped guide their success internationally? What are the critical skill sets that comprise a Five Tool Corporate Diplomat?

When it comes to the mechanics of the Israeli PR campaign, it seems that they will win a positive outcome. With this strategy the Israeli government could win some support from leaders as well. Yet when it comes to the language of the PR campaign, Israel isn`t on the side of the winners. There are a few problems in the Israeli PR language.
