science diplomacy

Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today introduced bipartisan legislation to enhance U.S. efforts at science diplomacy.

Science globalization is in vogue, pooling together scientists and researchers of various races and with different backgrounds and Chinese scientists "go global" as well.

Egypt has vowed to "maintain momentum" in building African science and technology (S&T) capacity when it takes over as chair of the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST) this month.

The theme for the inaugural awards, "energy generation in a low-carbon future", reflects the importance India and Australia place on meeting our growing energy requirements in a sustainable manner.

Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology, the France-Israel Foundation, and the Embassy of France in Israel are jointly organizing, for the very first time, a conference for young scientists on 8-11 March at the Mount Zion Hotel in Jerusalem.

Chilean seismologists studying the massive earthquake that hit the country last week (27 February) have decided to share their data with scientists around the world to aid natural disaster mitigation.

U.S. Science Envoy Dr. Zerhouni, M.D., arrived in Morocco today on a two-week trip to North Africa that will include visits to Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya.
