united nations

Participants build an electrical circuit based on a button battery during the recent WiSci camp in Peru [...] The camp is designed to expose the girls to a range of careers in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) fields, while the simulation exposed them to another very important option that could use more women with science and technical backgrounds: public service and diplomacy.

On August 9, the Amity Foundation participated in the China-Africa Public Diplomacy Forum in Dar es Salaam with over 100 representatives to discuss further cooperation and exchange. Among them were officials, businesspeople, academics, media professionals and NGO workers.

In the nine short months that the Trudeau government has been in office, there has been a significant shift in the tone and frequency of Canada’s international development commitments. Marie-Claude Bibeau, the Minister of International Development is not afraid of doing things differently, a reason why we’re once again being recognized as a leader on international assistance and humanitarian issues.

Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees. Korean tightrope-walking. Solving math equations on a traditional Chinese abacus… and the Mediterranean diet? The olive-oil-abundant way of eating may seem like an outlier here, but all these things share one common attribute: They’re recognized by UNESCO as cultural treasures worth preserving for future generations.

The United Nations’ adoption in 2014 of an International Yoga Day was remarkable for many reasons. [...] No International Day resolution has been co-sponsored by so many countries or has been passed in such a short timeframe. It was definitely a remarkable achievement for Indian diplomacy. It has also been hailed as a demonstration of India’s soft power.

Diplomacy students from the UAE gained hands-on experience on a recent visit to the UAE Embassy in Washington DC, the UAE consulate and the UAE mission to the United Nations in New York. The one-week training programme, run by the Emirates Diplomatic Academy, aimed to broaden the students’ diplomatic knowledge by educating them about the partnerships between the UAE and the US in foreign affairs, business, and medical science.

Young girls and their families from across the Twin Cities gathered Tuesday night to hear from the world’s youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner. Malala Yousafzai, a 19-year-old Pakistani activist who has been targeted by the Taliban, shared her views on the world with those gathered at the Target Center in Minneapolis.

Public Diplomacy for Sustainable Development

Video highlights from CPD's joint forum with the United Nations Information Center and the UN Foundation. 
